Sunday, October 4, 2009


it's me again - Kerry. I haven't been on here for QUITE some time, and I've decided to officially overhaul it to make it "mine" instead of Kevin's. Hopefully I'll post soon.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

sometimes things happen that seem unfair and very disappointing...for example, recently going to the Angel Garden to find all of Ryan's flowers and sentimental items gone. it's very hard for me to battle the raging emotions and think "okay God, what's the good purpose of this surprise?" yes, I readily admit that I don't have default thinking to go straight to God and be at peace for my trials. thankfully I am aware that I continue to grow in that area but I have so far to go yet...just another aspect of grace to be thankful for.

Philly Phever!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

heavy heart

this election has been very overwhelming. at first i wasn't sure how i was going to vote. but then i came to a conclusion that i needed to pick one issue that is most important to me and vote accordingly. my issue is abortion. i voted republican to help save babies. we live in a fallen world which will only get worse as time goes on. not until we are at Home with the Lord will this sinfulness stop. i have been discouraged by the number of christian peers i have come to find out voted democrat and seemingly with no top priority for the importance of stopping abortion. i understand we will always disagree on issues. but as christians i feel very strongly that this is one that we need to stand united on. we need to be lights to a fallen world. we cannot allow watered-down thinking to get in the way of what scripture states and what we are called to do. i have no choice now about the coming leadership of this country. i do have a choice to pray. and i do have a choice to get involved somehow to help make a difference. and i do have a choice about my attitude.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

saturday fun!

thanks to Caleb (and Eve) for sharing his lion suit with Zachary! Zac, Kerry and Kevin went to Yoder's farm - having fun wandering through the corn maze, going through the tunnel and down the slide, and poking around the farm market stand.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I cannot believe how fast time passes...our Zachary is now 17 months old, amazing! how easy it can be to allow attitude and circumstance to dictate the tenor of how i respond when asked "how was your day". every day is new and special, and every breath is a gift. i don't want to have regret in not living each day to the fullest and appreciating what the Lord has given.

Saturday, September 13, 2008